Thursday, August 2, 2018

A couple new works

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, I have still been busy rendering a few new series. I have also been playing with a new concept. A new item has appeared on Rendererotica that I am interested in. It has started to appear in some works on D.A. I have done a couple test shots of a new girl just appearing on the scene with a new affliction, yet she might just fit in to our cast. 
The sad part of it is it has to be rendered in Iray. I use Octane in my normal work flow and I haven't used Iray much. So I have to do the series in Iray if I want to publish them. It's a bit of a slower process and I'm not super good at it yet. My lighting skills in Iray suck. I'll keep working on them as I go, but my output might slow a bit. 
As I work to get out some of the series I have waiting on me I have done a few test renders and a couple just because shots to give you. Thanks for sticking with me. 

Here is the new item from Rendererotica

Candace has a new affliction Horsegirlism. They have unusual penises and of enormous proportions. So far we know of only a few, but they have heard of Senderland Studios and they are reaching out to us. Candace is the first to send in a couple snapshots to see if we are interested in her. 
I would like it if you commented to tell me if your interested in girls like Candace or not.  


  1. I agree, no on Candace.

  2. I agreeas well, no on Candace.

  3. Well, I say, why not.


  4. Image #2 is amazing. Could you please, please have the compare cocks.. If only for a short time in the story series version.

    1. I have ideas on the concept in image 2 for a series. Got a few others to finish first.

  5. Oh, come on. All are welcome. I say yes on Candace.

  6. I say yes on Candace

  7. Candance ok . but the proportion seems strange .... (sry too much hyper tag lately on web )

  8. It's a no on Candace for me. Loving pic 2 tho!

  9. Yes on Candace! A little, shorter and thicker, though?

    1. Shorter and thicker might be good on her still, but all cocks are different. Might work in another with shorter and thicker. Depends on how Candace does.

  10. nice horsecock, but the penis and the balls should have a enlargement

  11. I like the girl but not the cock. But I find most of your cocks too thin, really enjoy the fatter ones. Keep up the great work.

    1. The only issue I have with making thick cocks is the morphs for the vaginas I use can only be opened so far without major texture collisions, meaning I get artifacts and big black marks I can't fix. So I have to keep it reasonable in order to make it a bit more realistic, a cock the size of a two liter bottle is a bit too big to have sex with.

    2. You did nice ones on Bree, Courtney, and Frankie.

  12. dickgirl on dickgirland no horse cock

  13. I don't like it at all. Let others do it. What I like most is "The twin's interview".
