Saturday, February 1, 2020

New series

Hey everyone, Bill here. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me all this time. I know I don't post regularly, but I'm still hard at work. I'm still producing new stuff. Well, anyway, I just posted a new series surrounding my Senderland Studios. This series is going to focus on my main group of characters. I'm going to try and not go wild with so many new girls, even I can't keep track of them all. I have many story ideas floating around. Lots of day to day stuff  around the studios. 
I have them posted on their own page so take a look for the tab. Anything related to them will be posted on that page. Anything else, like older series I have yet to post and finally do will be on the story series page. I still have a few of those left, but I'm going to try and catch up with my current series first. 
I have two to start with. They are actually one series I did but broke it into two to make things easier. I hope you like them. Give me your feedback in the comments. 

The first part is "New Day" Bill is hanging out in downtown Rose Hills when his little sister stops by and then they head back to the office and stop by a sexy fruit seller and then recruit her to work for them. 

The second series shows the new girl Aria heading to the doctors to get a health screening. Routine stuff huh?