Friday, September 24, 2021


 It appears I'm having issues with Google. They have removed some of my content for sexual content. Imagine that! I'm also dealing with the changes made to Google drive with the links to sharing. I'll be trying to fix them when I have some free time. You can drop me a note letting me know which ones are busted, and I'll try and get to those first. 

If you have any suggestions on new websites to host my content, I'll be more than happy to give them a look see. I'm not sure how long I can remain on Google blogs. 



  1. I know is a good host for content.

  2. I had a list of what was blank and the comments did not let it post for some reason let me get this done again:
    For the senderland studios conent itself i found nothing missing, but in the stories section this is what I found:
    middle preview picture of the reward is missing but goes to a download file prompt (after clicking download)
    Hanna's Wish 4 says i need permission
    Mary and Monica says i need permission
    Hanna's wish 1 is not there at all
    Hanna's wish 2 is not there at all
    Kari's Library Quickie says i need permission
    Truth or Dare is not there at all
    7th image from the bottom is not there in the behind the scenes.

    I'm copying this so if it doesn't post right i don't have to do it again. unless mentioned it allows download of a zip, files or appears on the site. :) hope this helps. also one other possibility is NOPY.

  3. seems like a suitable platform for hosting your works

  4. Bobbie's webcast is also requiring permission in order to view as well
