Friday, June 19, 2020

Old Posts

I've pulled some of my older works off my site. If you're looking to get another copy of one of them just drop me an email and I can send you a direct link to download them again. Email address is on my site.  
Thanks, Bill

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Return Of Jan and Kettle

It's been a bit since I've posted anything. It's been hectic around here. I've been working on getting my files back in order, still have some work left. Then I've been distracted by shinny things...I've been playing around with Iray rendering. I've had to learn a bit and experiment getting things right. Still got a ways to go. That has been taking a lot of my time. I did get a new series ready. It's in several parts and this is part one. 
Jan and Kettle Vanderwolf  return in this new series.