Friday, August 27, 2021

Angie Get's Pulled Back In

Bill gets a retired porn star to make a comeback, again. Original 80s porn star Angie Dickinson returns to the porn scene. Burning up the screens and then videotapes with her monster cock. Making girls swoon and men feel impotent with her gifts. Now back on the web, she feels right at home in Rose Hills. 


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Bill's Little Sister

Bill suddenly finds one day a long unknown sister shows up on his doorstep. He welcomes her into the family as any normal dysfunctional does, Sender style.

Note: I'm trying to make time to get my post-production done. I'm way behind, so I'll try and get them out ASAP. Thanks for sticking with me during these dry spells. 


Monday, August 2, 2021

Trinity Prince

 Trinity Prince Poolside

Riley O'Riley gives us a promo shot of her laying some guitar and vocal tracks.