Here is the test picture.
I thought I'd post a final update to my computer issues. I finally have everything back up and running, now better than ever. After rebuilding my computer and upgrading it, I found out the issue I had was my main rendering graphics card failed. I'm not sure what went wrong with it but it wouldn't allow me to boot when it was in the machine.
After spending a LOT of money basically building a new computer, now I had to fork out about the same amount of money to replace my gtx 980ti card. I certainly didn't want to have to do it but I couldn't go back and run only on my two gtx 970's. There wasn't enough Vram to do most of my rendering. So I had to dig deep and upgrade again to a GTX 1070ti.
This bad boy has 8gb of vram, two more than my 980ti. I LOVE this new card! I just got it in, after the first card was defective and was returned and this is now the replacement. This card is frigging great, if I had the money i'd have gotten the 1080 with 11 gb of ram but I couldn't justify getting it. Let me say that I have a few sets I bought that were too big to open and render in with my ram limits. I couldn't have more than 4 characters in most sets unless the sets were stripped down to min props. The new card needed to tested on how much could be opened in it. I was able to open the Club 9 set, the full version ( some of the other artists I read have had the same problems with how big the set is and they could not use it like I couldn't) and get it rendering with no problems. So I figured I'd tray more. I began adding actors 4 at first, again no problem. I was like wow, let me add more. So I added 4 more and again no problems! I am now at 10 actors and it only just then had to use out of core memory. 9 actors can be opened in this set and still only use the cards ram. The only limits I'm seeing are from DAZ studio, the program slows down a bit making movements sluggish and I use Octane to render in and it is also a bit slow and sluggish, but it works! Speed wise, it renders about the same speed as my 980 did and both 970's together. So no improvements on how fast I can get a typical render done in, usually around 3 hours.
I might post that render after it finishes.